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Monday, October 21, 2013

Remove Yourself From Instant Checkmate

This is a truly creepy, unethical site.

I found this site by clicking on a link from to "view my full details".  While the phony details are loading, the site shows a bunch of quickly scrolling mug shots and messages like, "Completely Private!  Irish Lass will never know that you searched for her!"

Somehow, I don't see how "completely private" and selling my private information are quite the same thing.

They also show checklists like "Sexual Offender, check" and "Criminal Record, check", which makes it seem that the person you are searching has all of these issues, rather than, uhm, NONE.

It's another site that also shows all of your relatives, any previous names you've had, the current value of your house (Not kidding here), and where you live now, so pretty much staking out your house for any wanton thieving.

Great, huh?

So, here's how to remove yourself.

What you'll need:

  • Web Browser
  • Junk Email 

1. Go to - see, even the splash page promises to have revealing, criminal activity- the whole site is just slanderous from the beginning

2. You can search for yourself.  Make note of the spelling of your name because they promise not to remove you unless you spell it exactly how they have it.  But the important link is then at the bottom of the page "Remove My Info"

3. Complete the form.  Make sure you fill it out for each alias and alias of your family members listed in the "relatives" section of the previous page, or you might as well put the welcome mat out to the world.  Make sure you use an email that you can get into.  

As much as I hate putting my birthday on these things, you'll notice that this database already has it because your age is correct, so, it's not new information for them.

4. Once you submit the form, you'll get this confirmation page.  I recommend submitting all the forms and then logging in to your email once to do all the clicking.

5. Now, log in to your email and go to your spam folder.  You will see a separate link for every name that you submitted to be removed.  You will need to click the link for each address in order to remove it.  

6. Be sure to keep your emails as proof that you requested to be removed.  If they refuse, it's against the law and we get to sue, so, please, if you find that they do refuse to remove it, or they restore it from a backup and you're still on it, spread the news so that we can all check and get a class action law suit against these assholes.


  1. Nice try.

    I filled out the form and it went straight to NOWHERE. No confirmation emails sent. PERIOD. A joke. The "send" button literally just refreshed the page. LOL.

    I even CALLED THEM and talked to someone over the phone and went over how to remove myself. Nope. They told me it would "be processed within 48 hours". It was a lie. It's all still right there.

    The funny thing though. I actually LIVE right down the street from their HQ here in Las Vegas. I'm seriously thinking about showing up in PERSON ;). I wonder how they would like that?

    Most likely, they would just call the police and have me charged with trespassing. I already know, if I told the cop they were holding my info and refusing to delete it they would tell me "get a lawyer".

    So I guess the only solution I see is:

    a.) Get a lawyer as the cost of thousands.

    b.) Go there in person and watch how fast the police take their side.

    c.) Hit the parking lot with a camera and start taking photos of employee's license plates and posting them online ;) I wonder how much their employees would like that? I'm sure there are a few people out there who could do a whole bunch with that info. We could even find out where they live, their telephone numbers, relatives etc... just like they do to everyone else...

    I'm thinking option C.

    1. Did you check your spam folder? If it's not there, make sure that you don't have a "block" in your email client against instantcheckmate. Not all email clients allow emails from these disreputable, unethical sources.

      I used Yahoo.

      You might also try your local Better Business Bureau and the FTC...(complaints). I doubled checked and my info is still removed (which is the only good thing here, I think)

      Best of luck
      Irish Lass

  2. I requested removal of my info on 07/21/2015, confirmed that it's me sending request (still have that email), nothing was removed.Try to email them, and all I got was notification failure.I would appreciate your input how to solve this problem. Thanks

  3. My situation is weirder. I did a first check for my own name. Nada. I wasn't in their list of 13 results. So I did a more detailed search, and still, NOPE. I'm not in there. I haven't ever asked not to be. I searched my husband, and he is there, and his ex-wife (divorced since 2008) shows up but I don't (married in 2009). This is just...weird. Not complaining at ALL, but how does that happen? :)

  4. Here is some helpful cancellation info

  5. The best trick is post the senior management's home phone numbers online and call them at unearthly hours. It works well on

  6. Try living with "Captain Control Freak" who tracks everything about myself, my family and ex. This is beyond abnormal. I can't take anymore. I'm a prisoner.

  7. Thanks for share this article, it very useful for me.
    I look forward to your new article.

  8. I am SO glad. Let me know if you have any other questions or sites that are being unethical- I can see what I can find out. We should get to control our OWN info.

    Thanks for the post, Brittany
