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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Doctor Visits

Today, I've got some sour grapes about doctor visits.  The amount of money that you have to pay to just go see them is getting astronomical- $25 co-pay for General Practitioners.  $35 for specialists.

Now, if the doctor actually does his/her job and makes you better, that's one thing.  But what happens when they just guess and they guess wrong?   Then, when you call them back and tell them that the medication that they prescribed isn't working, they tell you that you ought to be seen- AGAIN.

Like, I'm sorry, but it was $25 to get your bad advice and $20 for the pills.  Now you want me to go and see someone else who will guess, too?

It just seems quite wrong that there is no recourse for the buyer on this one.  It seems to be the only purchase that a person makes that has no purchasing protection- no money back if the doctor was wrong; no credit on your account.

There is absolutely no incentive for the doctors to be good doctors- everyone just continues in their profession as long as they didn't do anything that killed someone.

What a great medical system.

1 comment:

  1. I agree totally. The only help I can suggest is to get the generic $4 prescription at Target or Walmart - if available.
