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Monday, October 28, 2013

Hip Problems

I found this article about femoral acetabular impingement (clicking hips) and I had to laugh a bit.  The article poses the question:  why is this problem so underdiagnosed?

Honestly, I'll tell you:  doctor's just don't usually care enough to check.


Doctors get paid regardless of whether or not they get the diagnosis right, so there is no incentive for correct diagnoses.  (Actually, I've had several medical school colleagues tell me it's much worse than that- it starts in school.  If you can't pass the class, the professor works with you until you can eek out a C...or they just get tired and give you one anyway.  True stories.  Horror stories for their patients.)

But continuing with the hip impingement...the people who have this problem are generally young athletes, young dancers, and the "middle aged".

Who's going to listen to high school students who say that their hips click?  They just never get to realize their dreams of pro-whatever.  Sad, but true.

And once you're middle aged, the response you get from doctors that are now younger than you (GRRR) is just that "you're old".

Throw a "Ma'am" in there for good measure and you've proven that you just can't ever get good healthcare

Unless you're rich and have a private doctor.

Enjoy you're next doctor visit.

Happy Halloween

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