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Thursday, May 2, 2013


So, what is it with climatologists?

Those are supposed to be the weathermen.   They guys that can read the clouds an the wave patterns and tell us what the weather is going to be like TOMORROW.  Now, I know that the guys on the news and in the newspapers generally suck at predicting the weather, which is why my husband and I like to use the National Weather Service.

Not that's the Weather Channel.

We're talking about the group of scientists that have devoted their lives to STUDYING the weather.

But I honestly don't know what they were smoking lately.

They predicted 3-7 inches of snow for Minneapolis last night.  On MAY DAY!

100% chance of heavy snow, it said.

My husband and I made plans for the digging out of vehicles and the working from home scenarios.  In other words, a snow day, because we knew that the cities wouldn't plow out from that this late in the year.

Since I'm still breastfeeding, I was up at 1 am.  I looked outside.

How much snow did I see?


No precipitation AT ALL.

I went back to bed.

I got up at 4 am.  I looked outside.

How much snow did I see?


No precipitation AT ALL.

I went back to bed.

I got up at 6 am.  I looked outside.

How much snow did I see?

Yeah, you kind of know by now:  NONE.  The streets are completely dry.

Now, government jokes aside, generally the scientific communities are correct- the site, until recently was  How can a group of highly intelligent scientists make such a LARGE misprediction with 100% confidence?

Guess I should go back to reading the wave patterns like my 4th grade teacher (Mr C, rest in peace) taught me...or reading the fuzzy caterpillar stripes like the Farmer's Almanac does.  It's a lot more predictable than what the scientists are giving us.

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