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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Worst Bumper Sticker Ever

When I was learning to be a graphic designer, I was taught that advertisements, particularly while driving, should be limited to 5 words and a picture because that's all the time you really have to read something going at 60 miles an hour.

I don't want to extrapolate on how many words they need to shorten that by to get my attention while driving....

Anyway, I was pulled up behind a gas-guzzling SUV the other day that had a bumper stick on it:

If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

First off:  A LOT of words crammed into a bumper sticker, not to mention the rather large image that was also included in the sticker.

Second off:  Who uses bumper stickers anymore!?  They never come off while means you're basically tattooing your car.  Not to mention the fact that your opinion may get you killed when you advertise it on your car in some areas of a city.

That's America.

But what really bothered me about this sticker was that it has this big message, but no obvious call to action for the reader.

Yes, I'm outraged.

But about what?

I'm outraged about a great many things.  My acupuncturist says that is is a waste of balancing Qi (chi) to be outraged, but I am anyway.

This sticker just tells you to be outraged.

Gee, that's helpful.

In direct contrast is one of my favorite bumper stickers:  CoExist, which is spelled out with religious symbols.

It's one word.

It's a call to action.

It's simple.

It's also about peace.

So, while I am outraged about a great many things, having signs all over to encourage people to be unhappy seems like a very poor way to get things done.

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