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Friday, July 26, 2013

Product Reviews Cripple Purchase Volume

Now, I don't have any hard facts on this.  It's only anecdote.

But what I want to ask YOU is this:  

How many products have your been persuaded NOT to purchase a product because a bad product review?

I know I can't be alone in this.

And yet the conversation I was having with my husband the other day was this:

Why do I care what someone of unknown expertise has to say about this product?

This is a real problem, particularly with technology, because you really DON'T know what the expertise is of the reviewer.  You don't know if this person even knows how to install a USB device.

And yet, we read AND BELIEVE the reviews that they print.

You don't even know if the reviews are real- they could be posted by the competitor's employees.

So, are we really better off with these reviews?  Companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars every year adding reviews to their products, but does it really help?

No matter what, you're going to look at that 1 star review about a lemon that the person says they received and extrapolate to believe that ALL the items are of the same quality.

What my husband and I have found is that there are by far more poor reviews out there than good reviews because people who are pissed off have more to say....and apparently more time to say it.  

It's an interesting perspective to know that people are at least 50% more likely to post a review of less than stellar quality than one of good quality.

Does that really help you decide?

If anything, it seems to lead us to a state of purchasing indecision:  should you buy it anyway or listen to the crackpot writing the review...

I think what sites really need to add is not more reviews, but more filters on the qualifications of the reviewers.  I know I would be much more interested in the opinion of a sound engineer on a pair of headphones than I would someone working at Jack N the Box.

Until then, I remain in need of a good pair of headphones...and unable to decide on what to buy because the reviews are all about the same.


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