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Friday, July 5, 2013

Home Phone

As a parent, I find that I fill out A LOT of forms for my daughter.

One at this doctor,

One at that doctor,

One for this school,

One for this program...

And they're all asking the same questions.  You know, names, addresses, phone numbers...

Phone numbers.

Not just one number, but phone numbers.

I believe the year is 2013.

I haven't had a landline "Home Phone" in over 10 years!  My husband hasn't had one in at least 5.

So, why do forms still ask for the different numbers!?  Especially the Home Phone?  Why not ask for "Phone" and "type"?  Is it too difficult to write in "cell" or "mobile" or "work"?  And why do these places need all of these different numbers?  If you're not leaving your kid with them, I would image just ONE number would be sufficient.

And that's good because, when you think about it, my husband and I have three "Home Phones"- two cells and a Skype....which is mobile, too, in a way.  So, when we put down the "home phone" answer, I honestly don't know which number to list.  I generally end up alternating...which makes the "paper" trail bit more interesting.

I just find it interesting that we're still gathering information the same way on the same forms that we have for decades and it's really becoming useless information.  I mean, I only know of one person that prefers to get calls on their "home phone" instead of their cell...but it's because of cost.  If plans were cheaper, I think that she'd axe the landline.

Of course, these forms generally list your home address first, too...and as far as I can tell, most people are receiving FAR MORE EMAILS than they receive snail mails.  Not to mention, does it really matter where I live?

Why not just cut the bull and ask for your "phone" and email address first?  I guarantee you'll get a faster response from me in email that you ever will by snail mail.

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