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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cats and Movies

So, over the past decade, my husband and I have professed ourselves to be quite the cinemaphiles.  Before our daughter, we saw a new movie a couple of times a week, either on-screen or renting (yes, the days of having to RENT movies).

But I've noticed that it's become increasingly difficult to find a movie WORTH seeing.  My husband was trying to tell me that my tastes are just more discerning now because I have less time to watch the movies.

Well, there might be some truth to that...

...I don't think that's the truth of it.

Even before the kid, we rarely went to see a "big picture" because they're all the same.

Who wants to see the same story retold and retold and retold?


So, we had really turned our attentions to Indie (Independent) movies.  But even those seem to have lost there originality and lately have been more in the flavor of "we're an indie movie, but we have big picture worthiness"....and when they TRY for it, they never are.

As we were reliving our pre-kid adventures, my husband told me about this article that he read about a screenwriting "manual" that evidently EVERYONE is using.


Ok, probably not everyone but evidently all the screenwriters who aren't on wellfare right now.

The name of this miracle manual?

Save the Cat!

Evidently, this book instructs the reader on how to get a screenplay purchased by the film industry...down to the specific action on the page in the screenplay.

Now, I always kind of felt that MANY movies were the same.

"Oh, this is where they miss each other, but their friends both seem them."

"Oh, this is where the <toxic gas, bomb threat, asteroid, killer wave, etc> is announced to a few attentive people"...

The fact that I was right doesn't surprise me.

(sorry, it doesn't)

But what makes me so sad and scared is that there are some many people in the world, particularly the US, that don't recognize that they're watching the same movie.

The same message.

The same ending.

Seventy years ago, they had a special name for movies like that:


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