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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Things That Go Beep

Why is it that microwave ovens continue to beep when they're done?  It's not like the microwave is "on" like a conventional oven (it's continued beeping I understand from a safety perspective- obviously, the heat is on and something is in there, you'd better come and get it before it burns).

But why microwaves?  Now that I have a baby, I can tell you it's one of the more irritating things I experience- warming up your lunch when you hear the tell-tale sound of the BIG POO.  Now you get to change a diaper at lunch time.  You've left your lunch warming in the microwave and while you're scraping the fecal matter off your baby's rear, the microwave continues to go off:


(remove pants)


(WHOA!  get more toilet paper)


(wet wipes)


(New diaper)


(pants back on)
And you're not going to be able to turn it off any time soon.


(shoot- you forgot to snap the onesie- take the pants off)

It's not like the microwave is running and you need to save your soup or risk turning it to charcoal!


It's just one of those irritating things.


I mean, I understand if you want to notify me that my food is done, but why KEEP GOING!? The laundry has three beeps to let me know the wash finished.  But then it stops...

Actually, I guess I wouldn't mind a little continued reminder on the washing machine, otherwise, if you don't hear the beeps or you forget, your clothes sit there and sour.

There are actually two other appliances that don't beep at all that really surprise me:  the humidifier (when it's empty) and the coffeemaker.

I mean, you've got that humidifier running or a reason.  A simply little tone or something to let you know that it's done...wouldn't that be nice?

And the coffeemaker- do manufacturers just expect that you're going to sit there and wait for the maker to finish?  How many of us get to do that in the mornings?!  It's more like:

Coffeemaker on.

Go get dressed.

Is the coffee done?  No-

Go wash your face

Is the coffee done? No-

Go get your lunch ready.

Is the coffee done? No-

Go brush your teeth.

Is the coffee done?


With these self-grinding, self-timed new machines, it's just something that I'm shocked isn't on a coffeemaker.


Well, you'll have to excuse me, my breakfast is calling.


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