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Tuesday, February 19, 2013


So, I recently purchased a bag of Chi-Chi's Tortilla Chips.  They're not bad.  They're not great, but compared to the other bagged chips, they're decent.

While I was making nachos and waiting for the cheese to melt, I read the side of the bag where it said, "Chi-Chi's Authentic Tortilla Chips".



What did they mean by that, I wondered...It didn't seem to make sense to me at all.

I decided to look up the definition of authentic, to see if there was some different definition that I wasn't aware of...


  1. Of undisputed origin; genuine: "authentic 14th-century furniture".
  2. Made or done in the traditional or original way: "authentic Italian meals".
genuine - true - real - veritable - original


So, "Genuine Tortilla Chips"- that doesn't make sense at all.  What could be genuine about the chips?  I don't think that they lie.

"True Tortilla Chips"- uhm, pretty much the same issue.  I've never heard of a lying chip .  

"Real Tortilla Chips"-What else could they be besides tortilla chips?

"Veritable Tortilla Chips"- This was is hilarious.  Images of ferocious tortilla chips standing up, "No, I WON'T be dipped into that salsa!"

"Original Tortilla Chips"- I really don't think that Chi-Chi's has the original tortilla chip recipe.  Especially when one of the ingredients is "Soybean Oil".  Honestly, I think that the first tortilla chips were probably fried in manteca (aka lard, beef or pork fat).

My husband was amused at my postulations, throwing out the suggestion that "authentic" meant "Same as the chips in the Chi-chi's restaurants".

I guess I would be ok with that reason.

Still the veritable tortilla chip was more amusing to think about.

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