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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Speaking of Crummy Labeling

Today, I bought my daughter her first set of Playdoh colors.

I know it's a bit of a stretch, but she's started playing with her food, so I thought that she might be ready for Sculpting 101.

But, just as I feared, she was more interested in attempting to taste the colorful clay than in playing with it.

Why DO they make it smell edible?

But, I, being vigilant during the Playdoh introduction, managed to keep it out of her mouth...

...and I let her entertain herself, instead, by stacking the small containers, which she thought was great fun.

At the end of the building project, I went to put the tubs back in the cardboard container.  My daughter assisted.

While she was "assisting", I noticed a familiar notice on the BACK of the cardboard container...


Now, this is not an edible product- it's freakin' Playdoh!

But knowing that my entire family is gluten intolerant (and probably my daughter), I was quite outraged.

WHY PUT THIS WARNING ON THE BACK OF THE CONTAINER!?!  why not the front of the box where most people are going to look because we all grew up with Playdoh and we'd never think it was poisonous! The whole reason I BOUGHT the Playdoh was because I didn't want to make my own homemade Playdough which is made from wheat flour.

Guess, the homemade version isn't so different from the expensive store brand.

I'll let you know how my conversation with Hasbro goes...I'm hoping for at least my money back.

In the meantime, all of you with gluten intolerance and/or autism:  avoid Playdoh.

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