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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Missing Placenta

I was driving down the road today and I heard one of my favorite songs- Lightning Crashes, by Live.  It's turning out to be something of an oldie now (wow- 20 years old!) and I have to say that when it came it out, it wasn't exactly one of my favorites.

But liked the message about the circle of life- from birth to death.

I think that it really became one of my favorites when I started trying to have a baby.  Or at least, trying to plan on having a baby.  At the time, my grandad died, so the circle of life really came to the forefront of my thoughts.

But I digress.

It's a fairly common song- it's been played QUITE often on the radio.  So, you can imagine my surprise when the song gets to the line about the placenta....and it's not there!  Suddenly, after 20 years, the line wasn't there!  The song skips right over that line and moves on to the part about the baby opening her eyes.

Seriously, folks, what is so offensive about the idea of a placenta?!  What uptight, sheltered right-winger decided that placentas are taboo to mention on the radio!?  or the idea that giving birth shouldn't be discussed!  It's not like this song talks about the ironically controversial topic of eating your own placenta like all other animals in the mammal family do, or having a natural birth in the fields, or getting knocked up for the hell of it.  It's talking about the cycle of life, you nimrod!  Haven't you ever heard of the phrase "ashes to ashes"?  Well, it's really blood to blood.

It is these people do a half-assed censoring of content that leads women to be confused and frightened about the idea of giving birth and gives dads the idea that it's not something acceptable.

Honestly, I've got to tell the moron that decided to edit this song:  You were not set upon this earth by the stork.  You came out of a woman.  It was messy.  It was painful.  There was crying. And there WAS A PLACENTA INVOLVED!

Good god, just when you think we live in an advanced society, you find out that we're still living in the 1950s.

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