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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

I went shopping for my father's day cards early this year.  I was hoping to find something really cute- perhaps with a cat on it since my dad and husband both have cats in their lives.

But, no real luck there.

What I found in cards was the same content I find year after year- neckties, golf, fishing, and drinking beer.

What year were these cards actually written in!?

Of the men I know, I only know one that wears a tie.  The rest wear khakis and polos to work.

Of the men I know, I don't know ANY who actually get to play golf AFTER they have kids- where's the time!?

Same with fishing.

The drunk A$$hole on the couch in a wife beater- I just don't understand these cards at all.  If you have a dad like that, you're probably not getting him a card, so why are there so many cards like that?  It's insulting to what it means to be a father.

It's like there were 5 father's day cards written back in 1950 and they haven't been updated since.  I don't see any about playing on an Xbox (which, you still don't get to do once you're a dad.  Again, where's the time?!).  Nor do I see any cards about gardening or bird watching, which is a shame because I know MANY dads who are into both.

So, to all of you dads out there, especially my dad and my husband, let me be the first to say, "Thanks", for not fitting the images portrayed in cards for Father's Day; thanks for caring more about me and the family than your own interests.

Thanks for being a great dad.

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