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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Santa Rules- Continued

So, I think that we've all heard the stories about how Santa makes a list and checks it twice...and if you're on the naughty list, you get coal.

Well, does it count if you're a 3 year old who, knowing better, knocks down the entire Christmas tree and beats his younger sister?

I think that it doesn't take a lot of brain power to say, "uhm, naughty?!"

Well, my - well, let's say it's a young relation of mine-, whom I have never had the "pleasure" of meeting, did just that.  Evidently, he's given full run of the house every day, unsupervised, while my "relative" takes a nap.  He knows how to move chairs to reach what he shouldn't, he knows how to unlock the safety gates, and he knows how to get to the poisons and his dad's tools.  This child also has a history of beating his sister and beating up other kids at the Y. rein of the house....

I think I see something wrong with that...

But, let's set aside the obvious poor decision that is, and move on to the next item:  the Christmas tree.  The child has played with the tree for the past three years....Yes, he's 3, so that makes it EVERY year of his life.  Every year, I hear stories of how he's playing with the tree and my relative threatens him that Santa won't come if he continues.

Well, this year, he knocked it down.  Ornaments and tinsel everywhere.  Smashed class and whatnot.  My relative was naturally furious and said Santa wouldn't be coming, and then complained to our mutual relative about it.  When our mutual relative asked about whether "no Santa" meant "no gifts, period", my relative said that it was only the one gift from Santa that he wouldn't be getting- but that he would get all the others



Well, I told our mutual relative as soon as I heard that it wouldn't last long before she gave in with that last gift.  Sure enough- THE VERY SAME DAY, she has completely caved and now he Just has to write a little letter of apology to Santa and he gets it all.

Honestly, I'm glad that he doesn't have the same last name or know where I live because he's one of those dangerous kids that grows up to be in Juvie by the time he's 13.  I know.  I used to babysit one JUST like him.  The kid was 7 and he had cavities and fake teeth already because he had knocked them all out.  He used to take a hammer to his dad's truck.  He used to pull a lawn chair up next to the chimney outside so he could climb on the roof.  Even though the money was great babysitting him, I finally stopped because he pulled the butcher knife on me one day.  Needless to say, I left and didn't return to the house.  I did hear from the mom- they were our next door neighbors- that he had taken an axe to his sister's door a month later... That is the type of kid we're describing here.

I hope that they survive to live and play another day.  I hope they do.  But in the meantime, I'll just be glad that they don't keep in contact with us...and think seriously about moving so they don't know where we live.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of a song,
    "I ain't gettin' nuttin' for Christmas,
    Cuz I ain't been anything but bad."
