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Monday, December 3, 2012

Farmer's Daughters and Farmer's Sons

I've heard this many, MANY times since I've lived in the MidWest:  Boys will be boys.

I hear this from parents and grandparents of Minnesota families who have boys that run around and are, in my opinion, undisciplined.  I actually have a sister now who has drunk the Kool-aid and feels that boys deserve looser rules than girls.

Frankly, it doesn't matter what's in a person's pants that should determine their discipline level.

Perhaps it's that I grew up in California where boys and girls are treated the SAME that it is such a stark contrast to this insane notion that you can't control boys because they have too much energy.  This reminds me of the old Greek notion that you couldn't control women because their uteruses would float through their bodies and when it reached their brains, they would be uncontrollably crazy, or "hysterical".  That was insane then, and it's just as crazy to think that boys can't be controlled.  I checked with my parents:  my dad wasn't allowed to run around like a hooligan, nor was his older brother.  My mother's brother wasn't allowed to hit things or yell in the house.  I never noticed this treatment as a kid in California....

So, is Minnesota just that socially slow that they don't realize that discipline is gender-agnostic?

Other Minnesotans, please defend your belief with some sort of scientific basis for why boys need to be allowed to run around without discipline.

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