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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Indulging My OCD

Every year, I have this obsession, probably like many people around the world, of having the perfectly decorated tree.  I don't know if it's just my obsessive-compulsive tendencies or just my perfectionism (is there a difference??)  I was actually wondering this year if anyone did studies of the chaos patterns of lights on trees- seems like that would be a great opportunity to have people send in pictures of their trees for study.

But this year, it seems that the English have developed a geometric formula for perfectly decorating a tree.

How to decorate the "Perfect" Tree

I checked it out (skeptic that I am), and it takes into assumption that you have all of the same ornaments and decorations to spread out all over the tree.  I think that's cheating.  Honestly, what would the Christmas tree be like without the Pillsbury Doughboy or Starbucks reindeer hanging from the branches?

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