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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Mediterranean Lavender

I purchased some dish soap recently with the scent "Mediterranean Lavendar".  Since it was the only non-vile scent available (they didn't have "Original", ironically), I decided to purchase it- bottles need washing after all.  But when I was washing the bottles early one morning, it dawned on me:

Does lavender even grow in the Mediterranean?

I actually had to look this up.  I know that lavender is a weed, pretty much, but it's been so cultivated over the years, I didn't know if it's weed-like qualities would allow it to grow in such diverse places as England and anywhere in the Mediterranean.  I pictured the low, marshy heaths of England and the dry, arid, dusty, rock hills of Greece and there was a complete disconnect in my mind.  I thought for sure that the manufacturers had made a rather large and embarrassing error.

But I looked it up.  Turns out that lavender is native to the Mediterranean- it just has been cultivated to grow in England.  In fact, the dampness is the #1 enemy of lavender; it grows best in dry, chalky soil in the sun.  It's part of the Labiatae herb family, which includes rosemary, thyme, sage, basil, patchouli, and mints- basically, the common aromatic herbs.  I read further that smelling rosemary and lavender actually have some health benefits, documented health benefits:  smelling these lovely weeds actually increases free radical clean up in your body.  Remember that free radicals are actually parts of atoms that are flying free with lots of energy and doing lots of damage.  Vitamin E is supposed to be taken for free radical cleanup, among other vitamins.

So, I guess, come spring, I'll try to grow some lavender here in Minnesota.  It's supposed to love zone 5, but with the changing weather patterns, we're on that borderline now.  Guess I can live with the swap;  no ice fishing but you can grow lavender.


  1. Some types of lavendar will grow in Minnesota and over-winter. Others - well just forget it.

  2. Have you had some success with growing lavender? Any particular variety? I know that I've had some success with rosemary and Russian sage, but I haven't tried lavender...
