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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Continuing with Santa...

So, as a kid, I went to the mall to see Santa.  Where I lived, there were actually two malls- one of them had the best display I've ever seen.  Granted, I've never been to Disneyland at Christmas, so this would be the best mall display, but go with me.

It was a winter wonderland scene with model rail roads running through the snow and dwarfs mining gems around it.

Now that I think about it, it's weird that there were dwarfs in a Christmas display, but it was REALLY cool.  I spent an hour or so looking online for a video of the old display, but I couldn't find one.  Just one a shooting at the mall.  Figures- everyone's got to ruin your holiday spirit.

And speaking of ruining the day...

The family that cut in front of us while we were waiting for Santa this morning- BAH HUMBUG!  What a rotten thing to do to bring all three of your kids in front of us while we have a baby and you have grown kids.  And then to take forever with the picture- we just wanted to say "hi" to Santa.

You know who you are and what you did.  It wouldn't surprise me if you got coal for Christmas.

But my daughter was so cute- she waited for over a 1/2 hour (for a 10 month old, that's A LIFETIME) and she didn't cry or fuss the whole time.  And then when she got to see Santa, she was very happy and excited!

And then the people running the display walked up to me where I was standing outside the "enclosure" to take a couple of free mommy pictures.  They told me that no photographs were allowed, to which I said, "I'm outside the enclosure, right?"  That's the rule.  Then the bah humbug said that I was only allowed to take one picture.

And then while she's standing right, RIGHT next to me to monitor how many pictures I take, she tells me how cute my daughter is.

Uhm, a little late to be acting cute, don't you think?

But, she's right- my daughter is the'll just have to take my word for it.

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