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Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Penalty for Sex is Death

When I was an undergrad an my psychology teacher brought this up, I thought it was oh, so novel and thought provoking.

Now, however, I realize how selfish and Christian this statement actually is.


It is true, when you think about the ANIMAL kingdom that all sexually reproducing animal or microorganism has a set lifespan and dies at which point its progeny take over.

In other words, with asexual reproduction (like binary fission) in amoeba, it is fair to say that all amoeba are essentially the same amoeba that has been dividing and dividing and dividing....

But all of that is a short-sighted view of the world.

What about the TREES!?!

They sexually reproduce, and about as often as most wild animals- a fact that most of us with "seasonal allergies" are reminded of as we suck down lungfuls of tree and plant sperm.

Trees don't have a set lifespan.

They would live forever and they keep going on year after year- essentially immortal- until humans cut them down or poison them.

(yes, I know that there are other reasons that trees die, but even the overabundance of borer weevils is a result of humans killing off the natural predator of the weevil.  So, there)

So, I guess ambulation carries the real death penalty... I don't know of anything that walks that lives forever.

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