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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Crossword Misinformation

I like doing crossword puzzles.

I know that it's completely a pat on my own back to fill it out and say "I know that answers".

It's not like I'm into the NY Times Crossword or anything- just the local one.

But that may be the cause of the problem I recently encountered.

My daughter's recent cold (as my husband put it "fire the double-barreled snot gun) reminded me of a recent crossword puzzle clue of "Nasal Membranes".

Now, being an anatomy professor, I felt I could easily answer this question.

However, there were only 5 letters in this answer.

As I looked at the crossing answers, I saw a "p" in the middle...

...and it made me very mad.

I realized that the FREAKIN MORON who wrote the crossword puzzle felt that "septa" were nasal membranes.

This is completely WRONG.

Ever hear of a deviated septum?  (septum singular, septa plural)  A septum is a bony wall that makes an alcove.  So, like the BIG septum that separates your nostrils.  When this is not straight all the way back, it's called a "deviated septum".

Notice, membranes were not mentioned in this definition.

That is because a biological membrane is a single layer of cells.

It is not a bony protrusion.

I really made me wonder how many other incorrect answers in crosswords serve as educational material for the masses.

After all, you wouldn't know it's wrong until you know it's wrong.

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