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Thursday, March 20, 2014

If you want a GOOD documentary...

Try watching Hot Coffee.

It's titled after the story we've all heard about the old woman who spilled hot coffee on herself and sued McDonald's because the coffee was too hot.  It's the reason why the lids now say "CAUTION!  HOT CONTENTS!" and whatnot.

Anyway, I HIGHLY recommend it.

It DOES offer cited statistics.

It DOES offer some shocking truths about how corporations really are running America.  I believe, in fact, that I have commented on this MULTIPLE TIMES.  WE DO NOT HAVE GOVERNMENT.  WE HAVE CORPORATIONS.

Well, prepare to be pissed off after seeing this.  Unless things change, the people of the US will not have ANY rights that were guaranteed in the Bill of Rights because they will have all been amended and removed.  (Though, I have to give Senator Al Franken credit- I strongly opposed his coming to office because of other issues, but in this, he is definitely the voice protecting the people).

I'm not kidding.

We're heading towards the Dark Ages again, my friends, and unless we all stand up and say it's wrong, there will be corporations running us, just like kings and lords ran serfs.

(and in case you're wondering, no, the rape victim not only did not win her case, she was ordered to pay the company's legal fees)

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