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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Change Your Google Password NOW

At least, that's what the experts advise in a recent article from Gizmodo.

Evidently, those black hat hackers (yes, they're actually called that) have found a way to spoof the Google Login page (yes, in this case, Login page would be one word...despite my protestations).

It's a phishing scheme to gather your Google login and, thus, hack your Google account and all of your information on it or connected to it.  So, all of you stupid people who have linked your Google account to every other login of secure info- well, you're pretty much F-ed. Frankly, I think that the ease of mimicking the Google Login page is just a sign that the Swiss, understated, over-simplified design is easy to hack, thus not user friendly (if you're a victim, I think you'll agree).

(and in case you can't tell which is which, the LEFT ONE= HACK JOB; the RIGHT ONE= REAL)

The best advise is this:

  1. Don't be a moron.  
  2. Don't open email you don't recognize.
  3. Change your password OFTEN.  Especially in commonly used email accounts (like, every 30 days.  Don't worry- the post-it note on your monitor is still safer than not changing your least for public accounts.  IT guys will still come and hunt you down if you leave password post-it notes out on your monitor at work).  If you use Yahoo mail, I personally recommend changing it every 14's the most commonly hacked and spoofed email host.
  4. Don't send private information over email.  Like your tax documents.  If you have to send them, encrypt them (and don't send the key in the same email.)
  5. Most of all, don't link your Facebook and Google and LinkedIn accounts to every other part of your life unless you enjoy being the victim of identity theft.  As someone who this happen to her, trust me- you won't enjoy going to the bank and filling out a load of paperwork for every illegitimate withdrawal and watching your credit score tank.

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