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Tuesday, March 25, 2014


If you want to sell your home,  you have to have solid-core counter tops and new kitchen cabinets.

Don't bother fixing your windows.

Don't bother fixing your roof.

Don't bother insulating your house.

Don't bother putting in new carpet.

Don't bother with light fixtures or fireplaces.

Just put in some crappy, solid-core counter top and new cabinet faces in your kitchen and you're half way there.

Put in stainless steel appliances and you'll sell in a week.

And if you don't put in new kitchen cabinets and a solid-core counter top, you'll never sell the house.


Because Home and Garden TV and all the other interior design shows are telling Americans that a good house will have these things.

Thanks for all being lemmings and treating everything you see on TV as gospel.  One of these days, someone is going to find that stainless steel and solid counter tops are bad for your health.

I can't wait.

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