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Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Matter of Size

This has been a week of finishing the skirt I was making for my daughter...and the TV show I was watching on Netflix.

So, now I have the conclusion blues- the blues you get when everything ends.

And after I get past the disorientation and the wondering around looking for something to do, I looked for something new to watch on Netflix...particularly something that might be daughter-friendly in case she happened to come and spy it behind me during a surprisingly short nap, for example.

Anyway, I found the program:  Aerial America (the Smithsonian Channel).  Diving deeper into the particular episodes, I saw California and Hawaii listed as the first two episodes, and seeing as how it's still winter here in Minnesota, the thought of some greenery was quite enticing.

The program is supposed to be an aerial tour (like from an airplane or helicopter) of the state.  Having been to both Hawaii and California, I can see the attraction.  Kind of like Soarin' at Disneyland/World.  But it turned out that California was really just a very brief tour of Highway 1 (Pacific Coast Highway), starting at San Simeon and going all the way (gasp) to Point Reyes.  While I had that gemuetlich feeling about seeing old stomping grounds again, I was shocked that the show advertised to show the highlights of California and missed some rather large ones:  Yosemite, Grant National Forest, Mt. Shasta, DISNEYLAND, shall I go on?

On the flip side, the 4th episode of the series is about Connecticut.

Do you know the relative size of Connecticut to California?

What could you possibly show in a 60 minute program about Connecticut?  I mean, it doesn't even take that long to fly the entire AREA of the state!  I know, I know, you could make the same argument for Hawaii, but it's a state composed of islands...and the main transport method is by air there, I guess I don't find it surprising to have 60 minutes on the state's aerial topography.

And that's when the announcer starts in- talking more about the social history of the state than the physical history...which would be more what I would expect when reading a synopsis of a program called Aerial America.

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