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Friday, January 31, 2014

iPad Toilet

Is this just in case you just want to leave your child on the toilet???  I'm ashamed to be human.

It does pretty much seal my hatred of Apple products.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Like Amazon? Give Them Your Tax Return Money

Looks like Turbo Tax and Amazon have a little deal going:  If you turn your federal (only the federal portion) of your tax return into Amazon Gift Cards, Turbo Tax is going to give you another 10%.

Important things to consider:
1. You can't spend your tax return on anything except what's available at Amazon.
2. You can't laundry money through Amazon- if you buy something and return it, it just goes back on a gift card.
3. There's a cap to this deal of a $10,000 federal tax return (so the max you can get for free is $2,000)

So, if there's something special you're looking for, this is a great deal!

Why Google Shopping Feature Sucks

Have you ever tried to find a product for the cheapest price online?  You know- comparison shopping a bit?

Of course you have.

And to help prevent you from having to do a Google search for your product and click on every link to see the price, Google provide the "Google Shopping" feature.  This shows the price of the product you searched for on different sites.

The problem with this is that they don't show tax or shipping.  It also doesn't show if there are different volumes or colors of the target item.  It also doesn't show it there are deals on the website, like "buy 2, get free shipping".

So, the total price of the product is not displayed.

So, it's pretty pointless to use.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dumb UI Field

Ok, so, I have to share this UI.

I recently had to go to this website to buy some documentation for my company.  Now, just like most eCommerce sites, you have to create a user account to make a purchase.

And when you sign up for your user account, you get the following form:

Now, at first blush, this doesn't look odd.  Standard fields, right?

Well, this form prompts for a Title, no, not just prompts, but requires a title.

And, me, being in my persnickety mood, decided that since a drop-down menu of options was NOT provided, to be creative.

And "Her Royal Highness" actually is accepted by this form as your title.

So is "Goddess".

In fact, ANY title is accepted- it's just a text field.

Great UI, guys

HRM Irish Lass

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Fickleness of Americans

This is something that is really irking me the last couple of days, but tomorrow, especially.

When there is a rule, say, Oh for argument's sake, a safety rule about THE WEATHER, why is it that people feel that this is a gray area and just end up ignoring the rule altogether?

What am I talking about?

I'm talking about "Cold Days" in Minnesota.  Evidently, there are "Cold Days" and there are "Snow Days"...snow days being those where there is a blizzard and cold days being the ones where it is so cold it's deadly to go out.  In both of these circumstances, it seems quite obvious to, uhm, wait, NOT GO OUTSIDE.

Now, what pisses me off, is that we have these cold days- days where it is so cold that it will kill you in 10 minutes of being outside- and people are still expected to go to work and school.

I mean, shit, did we learn nothing from our ancestors that didn't have central heating!?

It's not the go OUT that's really the problem because your car is probably in the garage.  But it's what happens when you get BACK TO THE FROZEN CAR that's the problem.

Now, as every car mechanic and physicist will tell you, odd things happen to alloys, rubber, and glass at cold temperatures.  I mean, antifreeze is only good in your car to -40...the currently predicted windchill is -60...which you might argue "well, that's only what it FEELS LIKE" which I would say "Yeah, and add another 60 mph to how cold your car is going to feel after driving on the freeway" because metals get cold, too, and just because they don't have an integrated nervous system, doesn't mean that they aren't going to be affected by the cold.

(it is correct, by the way- affected is the action upon, effected is the resultant behavior)

Now, there is a sickness in America that I don't understand.  It is all novel and neat and newsworthy to have the first snow day or cold day in a winter.  Everyone stays home, schools are closed..only the idiots are out in the ditch.

But, heaven forbid, we have more than 1 in month- NOW you're expected to go to work.  NOW the teachers are expected to go to classes- students are supposed to go to classes!


Because, heaven forbid, we get off schedule or have a couple of days of slide in these artificially created schedules of our lives where we won't even remember what we did at the end of the week...unless we got into a car accident or lost a limb to frostbite.

Now, in all fairness, Minnesotans aren't the only stupid people out there.  When I went to school in California, we had "Foggy Days", which were when the fog was so bad you couldn't see in front of you.  The school district insisted that it wasn't "that bad" and every time, there was a student fatality on the way to school when it wasn't safe.

I have to ask the world-


If there was different type of hazardous weather, would that make it ok?  Do we need a flood or a tornado now, just to mix it up a bit and reset everyone's sensationalism meter?

In the words of Network News:

I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!

(and now I have to go make sure that I have a good excuse for ditching work tomorrow during hazardous conditions).

Quality Control

Now, honestly-

Two new bottles of Puritan Pride calcium...

Is this what you call quality control?

Sunday, January 26, 2014

How Cold Is It?

Wind Chill Chart shows temperature and wind speed at which frostbite can set in. See wind chill calculator at bottom of page for equivalent.

Now, if you live in Minnesota, you know we're in the purple zone right now.   I find a couple of things interesting about this graph:

  1. There isn't anything cold on this chart besides the purple zone.
  2. Despite the equation at the bottom of this chart, if you try to use the on-page calculator with values outside of the ones shown in the chart (e.g. 70 mph wind speed or -50 degree temp), the page shows an error message that you can only enter values that are on the chart.

So, math only works if the number is on this graph, I guess.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Caffeine and Kids: Training Your Kids Early to Abuse Drugs

It's just disgusting:  3-5 caffeinated drinks for children under age 12!  I remember having 1/2 a can...if we begged on good days.

And for those of you who think you're doing the kid a favor by saving the "diet" version...well, it's been shown to lead more often to diabetes than eating lots of sugar.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

How To Become Years Younger Overnight (or Why to Save Paper)

Here's the secret to youth that men and women everywhere have been looking for since before the days of Ponce de Leon:

How do I become younger?

Notice that I didn't say look younger.

I mean BECOME younger.

Here's how you do it:

You have some moron enter your birthday incorrect in one database.  That database is then replicated and shared with everyone.

Ta da!

If anyone checks, you're suddenly younger than you were before.

If you try to correct the problem you're out of luck unless you have your original paperwork that you have to actually send to them, which they will say is a fake, and then you're still younger than you were.

I guess I shouldn't complain too much at this point in my life; it means that everyone thinks I'm younger than I am and as long as I'm at least 21, then I guess I shouldn't worry...

...until I want to retire!

WAIT!  IT'S A CONSPIRACY!  THIS IS HOW THEY'RE GOING TO GET MY GENERATION TO WORK PAST RETIREMENT!  Unlike my parents generation, where they just keep moving the retirement age up, they're just going to keep telling us all that we're younger than we actually are!

Serves you all right for not wanting to turn 30/40/50..

Subliminal Messaging

It was grocery day today.

And that means a trip to the Costco acropolis.

And one of the things I get at Costco is milk.  I've calculated that it takes me about 1/2 a year of just buying milk to break even on the Costco membership- just to add a math element this morning.

Now, Costco, just like most supermarkets, offers the following gradations of milk fat:

Whole Milk

And to help the consumer select while gallon they need, Costco color-codes these gradations as follows:

Whole Milk
2% Milk
1% Milk
Skim Milk

Now, be honest:  what does red signify to you?



What does green signify to you?



What I find interesting about the selection of colors here is that the use of colors do not following the percent of milk fat...not exactly.

It seems to me that what the colors are telling you is that whole milk is bad, skim is ok, but 1% is the best.

It would be interesting to see which gradation is the best selling at Costco...but they don't share that info with the public.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Just One of Those Days

You know it's one of those days when:

  • You realize a belt in one of your tires is broken...and it's a snowy windy day.
  • The bathroom light switch sends sparks at you for trying to turn it off.
  • Your normally well-behaved cat takes several dumps on the carpet.
  • And (best of all) the pimple on your kid's leg that you've been treating with your own acne medication turns out to be ringworm, and you realize you've just transferred it to yourself.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Quantum Plot Holes

Ever watch a film or a TV show and think, "Uhm...what happened to...?" or "How did they get out of that locked room?"?


Well, I was rewatching Quantum Leap and had this thought as Sam saved the girl from suicide:

If energy is neither created nor destroyed, then saving the girl from suicide means that something else suddenly died, right?

It may not be that literal- I mean, it might just be that there was suddenly a hole that developed in the space-time continuum from that moment on.

So, actually, Sam, being the "good guy" is actually traveling through time practicing acts of cronyism and nepotism (yeah, he saved his bro, remember?) at the expense of another's life.

Does that make him the "good guy"?

<eye brow>

You'd think that a person with 6 doctorates - and an MD would realize, does that mean that it's all done on purpose?

Just a different spin on the whole idea.  And this is why traveling to the past is a problem, but traveling to the future isn't...because traveling to "the past" creates a paradox in the space-time continuum because things have already happened- it's "set".  But traveling to the future...well, that can only be predicted so there's no paradox.

But, of course, traveling to the future is a one-way journey.

And that is your 4th dimensional physics lesson for the day.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

A (Rare) Thank You

While I shall (dramatic effect) remain anonymous, I do want to thank the three people who helped dig me and my daughter out of the snow drifts on our way to and from dance class today.

Not only did you did you leave the warmth of your car (or snow plow, as the case may be), but you were willing to put your hands on my dirty car while I revved the engine and splatter snow all over your clothes with my spinning back wheels.

You truly were gentlemen and I sincerely thank you.

You gave my daughter a positive example of how people help each other and that is truly priceless.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Love Red Wine But Hate the Tannins? Blame Tannosomes

I used to teach general biology.

You know, a little bit of chemistry, a little bit of human biology, and a little bit of plant biology.

And the basic unit of life (well, as defined so far) is the cell.

I'm sure that you all remember taking a toothpick and rubbing it on the inside of your cheek (or jabbing it- you know who you are) and then looking at it under the microscope...

...and since you only looked at 400x, you pretty much saw a bunch of blue fried eggs.

Well, most cells have more "stuff" inside; the "stuff" is a collection of specialized compartments called organelles. (you know, because they're small and organs.  No, I don't know why they didn't call them organettes- sorry).  Anyway, there are different types of organelles in different types of cells. Plant cells (and some bacteria) have the chloroplast organelle.

Sound familiar?  It's what makes plants look green or purple.

See, you do remember you biology!

Ok, well, it turns out that cells can instruct their chloroplasts to breakdown and form a newly discovered type of organelle:

The Tannosome

The tannosome is filled with inactive proteins called "tannins", which are basically cytotoxins (cell poisons).  The tannins are designed to kill off invading organisms, like bacteria and fungus; when the cell is infected, the cell can release these tannins in a suicidal attempt to protect the larger organism.

cool, huh?

Anyhoo, it kind of explains why tannic wines taste so bad.

Here's more the story, if you're interested.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Puff vs. Kleenex, The Reprise

Well, evidently, praising Puffs doesn't get you anything.

We appreciate your interest in our products! I'm sorry to disappoint you, but we don't have coupons or samples to send from here. The best place to find P&G coupons is in the P&GbrandSAVER coupon insert found in most local Sunday newspapers. To see if your newspaper carries it, visit 

While you're there, sign-up to become a P&G Everyday member and receive a free monthly email newsletter highlighting savings, offers, new product news and more. You’ll also have access to exclusive P&G Everyday member-only benefits like P&GbrandSAMPLER and P&GeSAVER. 

Hope you'll check it out! 

The Puffs Team

P.S. Are you looking for the latest product news, reviews and offers? Join P&G everyday and discover a site made especially with you in mind. Find inspiring articles, easy recipes and savings for everything you and your family need.

Just click the link, and sign up for FREE!

Perhaps I'll try bitching at Kleenex.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Returning To The Office

I have to say, after years of telecommuting, the absolute worst part of returning to the IT office isn't the bad water, isn't the disgusting microwaves or over-priced food, or even the horrible parking in the parking lots.

It's the bathrooms.

Specifically, auto-flush toilets that flush while you raise up enough to wipe, but then won't flush when you're actually done, leaving you with the option of waving your hands frantically at the sensor or pushing the little tiny, germ-laden button that's hidden somewhere on the toilet itself.

That's, of course, followed by the distributed sink- where you know one of them has water and one of them has soap.

But, then you get the wet-handed zombie walk as you look for which paper towel dispenser has towels actually out...and finding out that you're in the fantastic position of having to advance one or dig up into the private guts of the dispenser to get at least one towel to dry your hands.

THAT'S, BY FAR, the WORST part of returning to an office building.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Reading Your Movies

I like watching foreign movies.  They have different plot lines and morals than American movies.

And, my god, they're so much better lately- I don't even mind reading the movie.

It seems that the online video players, in particular- Netflix, have no idea that there is a difference between a closed caption and a subtitle.

But there is.

True, both of these appear (generally) at the bottom of the image.


  • Subtitles are translations of the the dialog and printed images into a different language.
  • Closed Captioning is a printed display of the ENTIRE audio track.  

For example: if you were watching the introduction to Star Wars

  • Subtitles: the entire introduction would appear in a different language.
  • Closed Captioning:  there would be a description of the type of music in parentheses and the double 8th notes on each end.
It just really irks me that when I'm watching a movie- IN ENGLISH- and the characters have some sneaky aside (it's always the sneaky characters) in a foreign language, the modern video players are not displaying the subtitles so that you know what they're saying!  You have to stop the movie, turn on closed captioning, and then rewind it a bit, only to have to turn it off when the characters start speaking English again...only to repeat the process when more maniacal planning happens.

You just never had this problem with physical media like tapes and DVDs.

More evidence of the dumbing-down of the human race.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Pointless Buttons

Another brilliant observation by the Irish Lass that I was pondering over, YET AGAIN:

Why is it that elevators in buildings that only have two floors have a button to select the floor you want?

Obviously, you're in the elevator.  When the door closes, it should go to the other floor- which ever that is.

Removing the pointless buttons would save broken technology and have one less germ-laden surface that we all have to attempt to push without touching it.

Never Do Business With Colorstyle (Minneapolis, MN)

Colorstyle replaced the roof and removed the skylights which led to interior damage. They promised to fix it, but didn't and added damage.

We are really outraged about the work, or lack or work, that was done by Colorstyle and the extensive damage to our house when they were here. This project required the complete upheaval of our household for multiple days and our requests for keeping a tidy workspace because of our son's illness were completely ignored.

Please see the attached pictures for all the damage. Despite all of the mud that was applied to the wall, The following items were not returned to their pre-roofing project state are: 
  1. Cracks in the ceiling above the kitchen were not repaired at all- they were covered with sprayed paint. The stain and crack is still visible.
  2. Cracks above the picture windows were not repaired- the cracks are still clearly visible. Now, there is additional mud that must be sanded off because it's not flat.
  3. Cracks above the sliders are also not repaired but clearly visible.
  4. Crack and stain in the corner of the ceiling near the picture window is clearly visible and not fixed.
  5. Crew didn't even paint over the mud that they put on the walls, so the walls need to be repainted!
In addition to these items that were not fixed, the following items were found damaged in our house following their unannounced departure:

  1. Kitchen oven handle is completely broken from the stove. Replacement cost for this oven is $800. 
  2. Dents in the dishwasher front which must be replaced 
  3. Broken mortar and cracking of the fireplace.
  4. Antique Chest of Drawers: gouges and scratches.
  5. Removal of finish and stain on the handrail, stair rail, and newel posts.
  6. Broken grout in entry floor that was under the ladder
  7. Half-dollar-sized hole in the stub wall.
  8. Ceiling fan is out of balance and cannot be run now
  9. Scratches in basement door.
  10. Scratches and gouges in handrail
  11. Gouge in the large book case
  12. Gouges in the kitchen cabinets
  13. Removal of the drywall on the closet corner in the entry way.
  14. Scratched paint on the brown entry wall,
  15. Scratched paint in the kitchen.
We're outraged that the crew that Colorstyle sent to restore our ceiling to its pre-roofing state has caused more damage to our house than the original project! I believe that the reason that the crew left without saying anything, despite reassurances that they would call, is because they were aware of the damage that they caused and ran out of here before it was noticed! I am personally outraged that my oven is now NOT FUNCTIONAL. 


We will get a quote from a reputable source for the damage repair. Colorstyle will be responsible for this amount, INCLUDING THE STOVE!

And they say they didn't do anything to the house.  If you're interested, please reply to me and I'll share pictures of the damage.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Another Invasion of Privacy By Google

If you're an unfortunate member of Google +, your email address is now public and can be found by anyone...

...unless you turn it off.

It's one of those "features" that you just don't want.  I mean, honestly, I have enough trouble with accidentally emailing people I have in my Contacts- I don't need more options for messing up.

To turn it off, go to your email Settings, General Tab.  The easiest way to find the setting is to do a search on the page for "Email via Google+".  You'll notice it's set to "everyone" by default.

Thanks, Google.

I'd send you an email about my thoughts, but your emails aren't listed.

Gmail update: Reach more people you know
Ever wanted to email someone you know, but haven't yet exchanged email addresses? Starting this week, when you're composing a new email, Gmail will suggest your Google+ connections as recipients, even if you haven't exchanged email addresses yet.
How it works with email addresses
Emailing Google+ connections works a bit differently to protect the privacy of email addresses. Your email address isn't visible to your Google+ connections until you send them an email, and their email addresses are not visible to you until they respond.
Receiving email from people outside your circles
If you receive an email from someone outside your circles, it will be filtered into the Social category of the inbox (if enabled) and only after you respond or add them to your circles, can they start another conversation with you.
How to control who can contact you
You're in control of whether people can reach you with a new setting in Gmail on the desktop. To learn more, check out the Help Center.
The Gmail Team

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Potato

The last time I checked, the potato is still a vegetable.Product Details

Tissue Trouble

It's cold and flu season, which means that it's time for LOTS of tissues.

Now, I grew up calling them Kleenex, just like everyone else- no matter what brand we were using.  The interesting point about that is that there is a distinct difference between the brands- particularly the leading brands- and Puffs are SIGNIFICANTLY better than Kleenex.

And this is why:

The Kleenex box is designed with that little monkey trap of plastic film at the top, designed to hold one tissue up for easy retrieval.

HOWEVER:  this only works for a portion of the box.

With a brand new box of Kleenex, the upward pressure is so great on the rest of the tissues that it rips the tissues at the folded edge when you try to pull it out.  Then you're left with a dangling remnant draped over the edge to the box, that no one can use, and a 1/2 ejected next tissue.  When you to for a second, you end up grabbing two- because the tissue was not in the properly aligned position to begin with and because of that overly full box.

This tearing/over retrieval alternation pattern occurs for about the top 1/3 of the box.

The next zone is the "works as designed" zone.  This is where the tissues come out like they should and stand up correctly- just like the engineers planned it.  However, this zone is completely dependent on the depth of your box:  as the box gets deeper, the size of this zone shrinks.


Because what happens is that some point, a tissue will not advance correctly.  Instead, it will lethargically land back into the box.  You will have to insert your hand past that plastic film to retrieve it and attempt to stand it up correctly.

However, you have just stretch out the most critical part of the Kleenex box.


So, while your hand is full of snot, you're trying to reach past the stretched plastic lips for a tissue with one hand, only to be caught in the next zone:


It is so named because you can reach successfully with one hand to touch your prize, but you cannot remove your prize with a single hand.  You end up holding your nose with one hand while you dangle a worthless box at the other wrist.

This is the primary reason why Kleenex suck.

In addition, you can't get the mandatory three blows out of a Kleenex; the first one completely destroys the paper and you DEFINITELY don't want to keep it in your pocket because the snot is oozing out of the crumpled corners.

Now, a Puffs tissue is something else.

  1. You can ALWAYS reach the tissue in a Puffs box.
  2. You can get multiple snot collections in a single Puffs tissue.
  3.  (And best of all) the Puffs tissue that you left in your pocket while you did the laundry actually comes out looking like a tissue- heck, I've reused them at this point.  The Kleenex, on the other hand disintegrates like toilet paper in the wash, leaving you with lots of streamers to pull off your clothes.

And at this point, I'd like to request Puffs brand to send me free samples so that I can continue to sing their praises

(because you're more expensive than Kleenex, so we don't have any in the house).

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Don't Believe Everything That's in Your File


It's a company that runs background checks for employment.

You know, make sure that you have answered your education and criminal history correctly?

Well, evidently, it's a good thing to check the little box that you want a copy of the report.

Because they had three mistakes on my report, which they listed as "discrepancies", which could cost me the job.  The best part is that two of the mistakes are their own fault:  one was a typo because some non-English speaker called my former employer- let's call him Bob- and they heard Dod.

Now, trying to convince them that they have that wrong is like trying to tell the bank that they didn't calculate your interest correct.  In fact, even when you show them emails with the name spelled correctly, they won't change their report.


So that misinformation is now in the system as me working for a Dod instead of Bob, so when someone asks them who I worked for, they will answer "Dod", the person making the request will try to find "Dod", won't be able to because "Dod" doesn't exist, and then my application gets a demerit.

THEN, heaven forbid they try to contact the university that you attended, because evidently, it's too much work for the University of Minnesota to do a student search in their own files- they search in a national database based on name- not on a social security number- but on a name.

I'm only guessing here, based on the dates reported, but I think that they got my cousin.

Nice, huh?

While it's faltering to be given a couple of years off my age, it comes across as another demerit against my application to not know when I graduated.

And finally, when you've worked for an employer in the past and you're returning to work for that employer, how do you answer this question:

Employer Name:
Beginning Date
End Date

Since you are returning, you don't really HAVE an End Date, do you?

Yeah, they wouldn't correct that one, either.


It's not even rush hour :(

It's not a day you want to be running out for a mundane task.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Never To Use Home Depot

Sorry to say, but I've had a lot of home repairs in the past few years.  And I've tried some reputable companies...and here's what I've found out:

Turns out that Home Depot subcontracts out all of their jobs, so you aren't really hiring Home Depot, at all.  And the subcontractors that they send are sub-par and don't care because it's not their reputations on the line.  They substitute pine for oak and claim that they can't work on oak when they're in your house to do carpentry.

As for the insulation, the team that showed up at my house almost set my house on fire with me and my family in it because they used their gasoline-powered blower too close to the house.  They left the house with me and my family in there.

DEFINITELY don't use Home Dept- for anything.  I won't even shop there anymore.

Luckily, we have Menards in Minnesota or I'd never be able to work on my house.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Eating By Example

My daughter has started saying full sentences now- one of the best moments in a parent's life!  I know you're dying to hear what it was, too.  Well, here it is:

"Eat Mommy's Food".

Kid you not.

The possessive S and everything clearly annunciated and pronounced.

So, I figure it's time to get her to help out a bit in the kitchen with food.  She's been drying dishes with her nanny for months now and I've let her "help" me make bread, too.

But it's a bit dangerous standing on the chair- even a chair with arms (why don't they make a step stool for toddlers to help out in the kitchen!?!), so I think it's time to get her a little kitchen of her own.

I when I was a little girl, I remembering having a little metal kitchen that we kept in the garage (well, it was California!) We had a spare piece of carpet that was put down in the middle- just like a real kitchen.  But the best part was when my mom would save all the little boxes of things (like those little boxes of Corn Flakes that you could buy in a set of 6?) and she would carefully open them and then reseal them so that we could have them in our kitchen.

And THEN it was just like a real kitchen.
childrens play kitchen set, Raggedy Ann & Andy, refrigerator, stove, sink, 1970s

Nowadays, there's TONS of plastic foods and even miniature empty boxes for the play kitchens.  Since I'm currently in the market for one, I thought I'd check them out on Amazon....and they're all $150 to $300!


It's a piece of plastic with some stickers!

So, naturally, it's time for Craigslist.

I found several worn-down looking kitchens and a few that said that they were "like new".  Each comes with a pile of food.

Now, I ask you, is this REALLY how Americans eat???  Piles of donuts, croissants, pizzas, and processed, boxed foods???  Can you even find something healthy in this picture?  I know I'm a bit of a snob here, but tomatoes and cucumbers are fruits, not veggies.  Garlic is considered more of a spice.  And a whole 2 eggs vs. the 3 ice cream cones and 5 chocolate bars.  Evidently, there are only grapes, oranges and bananas for fruits...oh, wait I think I see a watermelon.  Find something else...

It kind of makes me wonder what play kitchens are like in other countries...a Google search for German play kitchens brings some results for kitchens, but not the food...I know that Japanese play kitchens have a lot more fish and knives (personal experience here)...I don't even see an unprocessed meat in the picture above.

But you know the one thing that seems to be missing and is actually the most common American food?


No cheese

Must not be made in California or Wisconsin

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Use for the White Crayon

Finally found a use for the essentially worthless white crayon:

  1. Take the paper off.
  2. Melt it
  3. Use it to wax thread while you sew.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Google Plus Shares Your Pictures with The World

Just a short blurb today about Google + and how it compromises your security.

I've had the unfortunate situation today of having to sign up for Google + for work.

In the small print, Google lets you know that signing up for Google + will automatically make all of your Picassa pictures public.  And while they tell you to change the status on these, they don't tell you how very well.

First of all, the new address for getting to your pictures (since Google has removed all of the easy to navigate links) is:  Once you sign up for Google +, though, the address changes to

Thanks, Google.

Here's how to keep your pictures private:

  1. Navigate to your pictures album page.
  2. Click on the Settings.  Now, if you have Google Plus, this is located to the left under the Home menu.  If you don't have Google Plus, this is located on the right just under the generic, non-labeled gear icon.
  3. Navigate to the Photos section and uncheck everything.  If you do have Google +, then make sure you really look at all the settings.  Every menu has at least one item in it where Google is going to share information with others (you just need to overlook the verbose, grammatically incorrect menu items).  For example, if you mention someone in a post, Google + sends that person an email.  You can also prevent people from tagging your photos, though they can still tag theirs with your name.  There is a menu item for receiving an email if someone tags you in a photo- I think that's a good one to leave on...just so you can yell at the person to knock it off.  One of the scary menu items is "Google Awesome" photos, where Google + scans through your pictures and compiles new pictures based on the content of the photos you have in your albums- UNCHECK that one.

Once you're done playing with this stupid service, you can delete your Google+ account by going to and agreeing to the terms.  You will notice that deleting your Google+ account DOES NOT affect your Google Account.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Live 2014 Rose Parade- Really

Spent a long time trying to find this link:

They're advertising that it will be hosted with Bob Eubanks and Stephanie Edwards (so, no show advertisements), but we'll see.

Don't worry- they're showing old parades until 8am PDT.