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Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Xmas Letter...

I have always hated the Xmas letter.  It's pretty much the most impersonal recollection of the past year, with the only interesting element being whether or not you rated being mentioned.  I didn't used to mind them, but when a relative died and it was skipped in the letter by another relative...well, that pretty much placed me on the side actively against the stupid letter.

But this year, I've received yet another downgraded example of the letter:  The Xmas postcard.

On the front, there's a collage of pictures.

On the back, is the stupid letter- boiled down to a paragraph.

In this letter, the family talked about how their daughter was learning her letters and numbers.

That doesn't sound bad, right?

Well, the kid's almost two years older than our daughter...who is happily reading her Disney Princess book.  While the kid is not slow, it does make one wonder about putting that kind of content in the letter

But, then, what else would you put in the letter?

Hence, the letter is dumb.

In fact, with the price of postage now equating the the air mail of my youth, I been relegated to eCards...which no one seems to mind and there's no guilt about clicking Delete after you read it.

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