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Saturday, November 9, 2013

It's Time When...

So, I was going to write about how companies really need to list their rates on their job listings because it just wastes everyone's time when they don't.

But instead, I'm going to write about neighbors who set their dogs upon me.  

This has now happened three times- twice by the psychopaths across from the mailbox.

Now, I'm an animal lover.   But I also respect animals.  Having grown up with a K9 dog taught me one thing:

Never approach an unknown dog.

So, when a large setter comes charging me at night and chases me... well, the experience is quite terrifying,

When the neighbor screams "psych ward!" while they laughingly watch their dog attack, you just have to think that it's time to move.

But the what REALLY  brings to focus this desire to move is this:  when you call the police to report the attack and the police don't want to file the report and tell you to mace the dog next time.


And that's exactly what happened to me.

And my advice to you, reader, is this:  NEVER mace a dog.  Not only is this inhumane, it's almost certainly guaranteed to end in at least one bite from the pissed off the animal....not to mention the follow-up police report by the owners of you macing the dog.

What is wrong with people!

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