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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Criminality of Decibel Levels

As we all have experienced, the decibel levels of music and movies in recent years has been on the rise.  Instead of public music and movies being presented at decibel levels equivalent to speaking to someone at arms-length, public places have been cranking the volume in an effort to gain the attention of the audience.  In fact, googling this problem results in 13 billion hits of articles on noise complaints for theatres.

Studies by the American Speech Language Hearing Association have shown that this is full of crap.  Loud noises make people restless and, in addition to causing long-term hearing loss, actually PREVENT people from paying attention.

Imagine that.  Movie theatres, by increasing the volume, are actually distracting us and making us want to talk more.  How wonderfully counterproductive.

Today, I found out that the noise pollution extends to children's dance classes, as well.

I got a bad feeling about where the class was going to lead when a tap class started in the next studio, with the music up so loud that you couldn't hear the taps on the shoes.

Uhm, dumb!?  The whole point of tap dancing is the, uhm, wait, let me think- the TAPS!  You have to pay and arm and a leg for the shoes; it would be nice if you could hear them.

With this preview what was in store for my daughter's new class, I shouldn't have been surprised- once my daughter got into her studio and went to stand on her tape and waited eagerly for class to start...dodging the older boy who was running around pushing people down (with the apparent approval of both parent and teacher, for they watched and did nothing) and managing not to trip over the buckled, taped floorboards...once we managed to get past all of these challenges, the teacher said some little spiel about the class following the instructions in the music (evidently, this was a book-on-tape class), walked over to the stereo...

...and turned on this noise that was so loud, I literally had an instant ringing noise in my ears.  I can only imagine the effect it had on my terrified daughter.

Now, I've been to my fair share of concerts and this BY FAR WAS LOUDER.

The place OUGHT TO BE SUED FOR CHILD ABUSE.  I mean, how is deafening the children any less abusive than hitting them?  You're just hitting them with sound waves which are just as physical and just as impacting....and just as damaging.

I just can't believe that the other parents did nothing.  They all continued with the class like nothing was wrong as I marched by daughter out to the car - nearly a building away- and could STILL hear the "music".

Where are the child protection laws for hearing!?    Where are the adult laws for hearing, for that matter!?  I mean, OSHA has a decibel limit of less than 60 decibels without ear protection.  How do theatres and dance classes get away with the deafening noise?!  There should be limits put on children's activities, at least, because they CAN'T choose to be exposed- they have no choice.    I foresee a time now, in the very near future, where there will be so many deaf people, it will rival diabetes as the most self-inflicted "disease" in adults.

Only, diabetes is treatable.

Deafness is permanent.

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