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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Target Plays a Sick Joke on the Elderly

So, I was in Target the other day looking for vitamins that were on sale.  There was a senior citizen (probably an octagenarian) looking for aspirin in the vitamin aisle.

First off, Target, perhaps make the signs for the elderly a bit more obvious?  you know what they shop for:  Ensure, Depends, Aspirin, and Fiber supplements.

Honestly, the signs could be a bit more helpful.

But this poor lady was lost and looking for aspirin.  I offered to help her look.  We found the Aleve and Advil products in the next aisle, so she wasn't too far off.

But what i find very sick is that Target put the aspirin (the Bayer, etc) all on the BOTTOM shelf.  This poor, osteoporetic lady had to bend down, without falling over, just to pick up the box!

And then, the signs- all of the signs are UNDER the product- the bottom shelf price signs are not angled upward.  They're not in bigger print.

Who designs these shelves?

Target, you ought to be ashamed for your lack of consideration for one of your primary consumers.

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