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Monday, March 4, 2013

"Fruit" at The Bottom

So, Greek yogurt was on sale at the grocery store last week and I needed to round out my purchases to get the extra $5 off, so I decided why not try that yogurt again?

As a kid, I remember when Yoplait was introduced and how the funny shaped container and expensive price seemed to make all the difference in flavor.  I only got it a handful of special times and it was always the blueberry flavored one.

I honestly don't know if there was any real difference in the flavor at all.  Perhaps it was thicker than the store brand.  It seemed like it was.

That's because it has corn starch in it.


That'll thicken up yogurt.  Yup.  Not doing so much for the healthy quality or the flavor, though, but it sure makes it stick to your spoon in a larger clump, thereby making you eat it faster...there by making you wish you had another (?)


A conspiracy.

Why am I not surprised.

Nor was I surprised when I looked at the yogurts that I purchased from the store this week.  Each claimed to be Greek yogurt.  Two were Yoplait- one was Chobani.

Now, I don't each yogurt on a regular basis.  I find it has a very strange, disturbing, gurgling affect on my intestines and generally makes everything else taste bad for the rest of the day.  But since my pregnancy, I've noticed a growing desire for more bitter fare, so I thought I'd try this Greek stuff again.

Turns out that one of the Yoplait was the "100 Calorie" Yoplait.  I thought that meant that it was portioned to only be 100 Calories.

No, I was wrong.  It has this disgusting Sucralose in it- artificial sweetener.  It was absolutely disgusting. My husband restrained his laughter as I sucked it down as if it were canned spinach.

So, don't buy that one is my advice.

The other Yoplait was a fruit-at-the-bottom blueberry.  While I was stirring it, I was very disappointed to note that the "fruit" was more like "fruit preserves"- there's more sugary filler than actual blueberries.

How is that healthier than the fruit stirred in versions?

There's also other "fillers".

There's also no goat or sheep milk in it.  This was supposed to be GREEK yogurt- sheep or goat milk yogurt strained to a thin cheese.  Greek yogurt is supposed to be closer to Paneer than yogurt.  I was frankly quite shocked that the labeling didn't say "Greek style yogurt" since it clearly was NOT Greek yogurt.  It's just cow yogurt with lemon juice in it to make it a little more tart.  Check the package yourself.

Perhaps there just aren't enough Greeks in the FDA to require the correct labeling of their own ethnic products.  I don't know.  I do know that when I buy feta, it's not cow cheese with feta flavoring, it's goat's milk cheese.

I guess after watching all the TED talks on food I shouldn't be surprised that the American public just doesn't care what kinds of crap are in the food that we eat.  Or that what they think they're eating, they're not.


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