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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

You'd think a baby would be safe at the doctor's office....

So, I took my little girl in to the doctor for her 9 month checkup.  SO BIG!  I won't bore you with the details of how she's the cutest baby in the world or that she's so smart that she's already sharing food with others and knows how to use a mirror.

But I will bore you with one small detail that really stuck out in my mind at the doctor's office:  the examination table.

I go to Allina clinics, so perhaps it's different with other providers, but the examination table is the same examination table that they use for adults.  It's narrow, it's open on all four sides, and it's got that slippery paper on it.  Needless to say, I found the irony when I was being asked "Do you have any concerns about your daughter's safey?' by the nurse when I was trying to hold her still on this narrow precipice of an examination table.

Honestly, if they can hide drawers and stirrups in those same tables, where are the protective bars for an infant?  The table is 4 feet off the hard floor with nothing to stop the fall!

How is it with other providers?  do they have something more age appropriate?

1 comment:

  1. The tables DO exist!
