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Wednesday, April 23, 2014


My parents were part of Ma Bell back in the day, so I grew up learning about "the phone company".  I also learned about Turnkey products, packaging, and this thing called the "ethernet" before they were purchasable products.

I remember going to "the phone company" on school holidays with my sister and watching my mom make punch cards for the computer.  I remember fantastic, all-day, Christmas parties (back when they were called Christmas parties) where there were tables and tables of edible yummy goodness for a little kid to sneak on the way to the bathroom.

Part of my education into the world of "the phone company" was how to leave a good message.  

  • Speak clearly
  • Speak slowly
  • Give your name
  • Give your return number

Why is it, then that companies are so good at omitting the last bullet point?  Particularly the dishonest companies like a certain national carpet company that advertises free rooms of carpeting?

While my only empirical evidence is via my time as an assistant for physical therapy clinics, I do know this:

The only reason that people don't want to leave a message is because they don't want to be held accountable for the RECORDED NOTE THEY LEFT YOU.

So, if you happen to encounter this practice while you're shopping around, I HIGHLY recommend that you look elsewhere.  Otherwise, when you have a problem, you'll be playing phone tag just to find out how to submit your complaint.

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