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Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I'll admit it.

When I played Careers as a kid, I knew that the Fame stars where the way to go..especially if you went through Space and hit the Jupiter (or moon mission- depends on the year, I guess) that you were pretty much done for your score card.

(who would have guessed that it would have been so predictive?)

And I don't blame anyone who feels that they want to BE famous.  (well, I personally think it's a poor choice for safety, but their lives, right?)  So, when one of my favorite writers (well, THE favorite writer-better than anything I've ever read- EVER) finally makes it BIG and is recognized for his brilliance and gift, well, I feel pretty great about having been there in the beginning- a well kept secret amongst us fantasy readers.

Yes, I'm talking about George RR Martin, author of the now famous Songs of Ice and Fire series.  
With my photographic memory, it's very difficult for me to enjoy reading a book more than once because I remember it too well and, frankly, the writing isn't that impressive.

But with the Songs of Ice and Fire, I read the first book and immediately had to read it again-


It's that good.

So, when I heard (years ago) that they were making a mini-series (and now a movie) from the first book in the series, Game of Thrones, I was pissed.


Because, while it's great for the author on the surface, it actually sucks because it's basically digesting the writing that the author crafted out over years of his life and making the equivalent of a Cliff Notes abbreviation of the work.  Because, honestly, how many people are ever going to read the books now that there is a video version?  Who is ever going to really meet feisty Aria Stark now that they have been exposed to casting director's incorrect, beautifying interpretation of the horse-faced daughter of Ned Stark (who is portrayed by the same irritating villainous actor Sean Bean who's been in just about every fantasy movie ever made)?

Just makes me sick.

Pretty soon, we won't have novelists- we'll only have screenwriters.

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