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Friday, June 6, 2014

Talk About Desperate

My husband and I encountered some desperate new "features" from the US Post Office during our move that we thought we'd share.

If you are moving, temporarily or permanently, and you need to change your address with the government, DO IT IN THE POST OFFICE, DO NOT DO IT ONLINE.  There are a couple of reasons for this:

  1. All of the information that you enter online at the website can be stored and used against you in the future by the government.
  2. The USPS is now charging $1.05 to change addresses online. 

IT IS FREE TO CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS IN THE POST OFFICE.  They give a lame excuse that they need to verify your identity using a major credit card, but do they?  No.  They could ask for your FREE government ID, as well, or the date that you moved to the current address...lots of other free "identity" questions.  They could even use eID.

So, why the $1.05?

Simple:  they're broke.  They figure they're going to charge you for the convenience of not having to wait in line to get the free little change of address card.

Some POs even have this available without having to wait in line.

Watch out for more companies charging for use of previously free features- it's all in the works.

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