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Thursday, June 19, 2014


It never ceases to amaze me how many experts come out of the woodwork because they've had some successful experience.  For example, it amazes me how many people, particularly in permanent employee roles, are ready to claim that they're experts in Agile, just because they've worked on one long project that is doing well.

Does that make you an expert?

I guess it's easy to claim that you're a doctor if you've never had to cure anyone.

But isn't the true measure of an expert is being able to fix multiple types of problems with finesse?  Knowing that there isn't one cure-all bandaid for all problems?  Being able to make a beautiful, functional piece of furniture out of a piece of rotted driftwood...

And it's amazing how easy is to pick out the phonies with the least amount of experience with how quickly they force piles of documents and processes from their one good project onto yours.

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