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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tag Clouds

This has got to be one of the most useless widgets invented.  If you haven't seen one:

Someone please tell me:  how are these useful?  They function by counting the number of times words appear on a website- the more often the word appears, the bigger the font of the word in the tag cloud.

So, they don't capture ideas at all- they're just counting the number of times the word appears on the site.

When you click on a word in the tag cloud, honestly, what are you expecting to happen?  I would expect that you would go to a search results page with all instances of the word listed out as if you'd searched for the word.

So, then my next question is this:  every website seems to have these now and the words that are in the cloud...well, I'd never use the search function on a website to search for "learning", for example.

Nor "students"

Nor "Technology"

These are just lame.  Please stop using them.  And it's not just my opinion- all of my clients think they're lame, too.

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