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Monday, October 7, 2013

Education Book Thinks Test Scores Are Real

WELL...I was looking through the new additions on Amazon for coloring books for my daughter this book came up:  The Reign of Error by Diane Ravitch.

Now, intrigued by the pun, I had to click on the book title.

When I read the subtitle being against the privatization of education, I felt I had to read this.

It turns out that the author agrees that the presidential farce called "No Child Left Behind" is an education, and educator, damning law that can only result in the downfall of education.

However, her basis for debasing this law resides in graduations rates and test scores.

Now, this woman has never been a teacher.

She can't have.

Otherwise, she's understand that grade inflation and passing students is the only way that teachers survive and remain employed.

It's also obvious that this woman has never been an educator of any kind because she believes test scores.

What test scores should tell you is this:  the school districts scoring well are cheating; the ones failing just don't have the smarts to cheat.

But she's evidently an "expert" because she was an assistant Secretary of Education.

In other words, a secretary.

To someone who might have had some sway over political policies because of friendship with someone in power.

Where does the idea of education come into play anywhere in there?

Anyone who thinks that the US public school system ISN'T broken doesn't have a child in it and probably went to private school themselves.

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