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Friday, October 18, 2013

Homes Just Aren't Built For Families


Why do homes still have stairs?

They're hard to clean.

You trip on them.

They're not handicap accessible.

Nor are they child-friendly.

So, why do homes still have stairs?

Why don't we have ramps, instead?

Seriously!  Why stairs?  It would cost a whole lot less to put a ramp in.

It's just one of those things that has been done in houses for so long, it's "standard practice", but we can't explain why we do it instead of doing it a better way.

The other improvement that houses really need is this:  pocket child gates in the walls.

Honestly, every house ever built will have a child in it at some point.  Why are we in denial about that?  Why are we in denial that children mean children's safety?  Instead of building and planning homes for families, we live in denial about it and make parents go out and buy after-market child safety gates which we have to drill into the walls and woodwork of the home.

I think that everyone would agree that stairs are dangerous- you'd think that if the government really cared about protecting children is claimed, we'd have rules about having on-board, pocket gates at all stairs in houses, just like we have seatbelt laws in cars.  Stairs are just as deadly as a car accident.

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