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Friday, April 5, 2013

Bring Back the Best To Disneyland

When I was a girl, we went to Disneyland at least once a year.

Not Disney World-


The ONLY park that Walt Disney walked in.

It was a tradition that started from when I was in utero and it's been in my blood ever since.  I would honestly have to say that the things I miss most about living in California are the annual trip to Disneyland and the annual trip to the beach- there's nothing like the sound of the ocean and the salt water in the air...and the morning fog.

Anyway:  Disneyland.

We would get there early so that we could see Main Street USA before the rope went down to let you into the "real" part of the park.  While we were waiting in line, we'd have this big debate:

what do you see first?

It was always a toss up between the ORIGINAL Pirates of the Caribbean or Space Mountain. We only did the Pirates first a couple of times- mostly because the rest of the attractions over in New Orleans Square weren't open yet (and it took a long time before I even knew about the whole play island in the middle of the Rivers of America).

So, we'd push up to the front of the rope as the clock approached 9 am...waiting impatiently.....

and then we'd head RUN over to Tomorrowland as fast as we could.  That was before they stopped you from running.

Well, after running all the switchbacks to get into Space Mountain and seeing the asteroid cookie, we'd head over to Inner Space.

This was one of the MOST IMPRESSIVE ride to my young mind.  You get shrunk down to microscopic and then atomic levels and see molecule shapes and all sorts of "invisible" things.

Now, granted, I DID end up becoming a molecular biologist...and I honestly thing that it was in part due to this ride.  I LOVED this ride.

What happened to it?

It got torn out for Star Tours.

While impressive for its time, I was still upset about losing the Inner Space ride...still sore about it today.

(though, now that I looked at the sponsor, I have this sickening feeling in my guts)

And then, I was wondering:  why don't they bring back something like that for Tomorrowland?  They could accelerate you in an atom super-collider or something- to keep it fast and modern.  I just think about how much of the flavor of Tomorrowland has been replaced (no America Sings, no House of the Future, no Carousel of Progress) until now it's really "Space and Technology land".

Bring back the science!


  1. Dad and I are hooked on the Disney YouTube! Can't stop! This is how it was when I graduated.

  2. That's fantastic! I had high hopes for a video from 1982 about Disneyland, but it didn't cover what I hoped it would.
