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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Another Need for the Modern Home

So, why don't home have foot pedals for sinks?

I was contemplating this while scrubbing my face (and have the water running because, let's face it, when your face is full of soap, you don't go looking to turn the water on again).

I mean, this is technology that's been around quite awhile.

I think of all the gallons of water that are wasted each year in the kitchen and bathroom sinks just because we have to turn on the water and then come back to the flow because our hands are full or dirty...

...Just think how nice it would be to have a foot pedal or a lean bar for when your hands are full of chicken guts!

Of course, we'd still want to have the handle option for a constant flow (though, I can't think why we would really need to, frankly...when do you ever need to have the water running when you're not standing there?)

drip, drip

I would think Californians would be all over this...I mean, in a city like LA where they came up with a rhyme for when it's ok to flush the toilet, think what you could come up with for a foot pedal sink!

"Tap for the Tap"
"Foot stops the flood"
"Toes for Flows" (thank you hubbie)

drip, drip

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