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Sunday, July 27, 2014

College Education Is Killing America

Specifically, the American mentality that everyone has to go to college.  Get stats for number of countries that have tech college vs. college.

Grade inflation means that you're not actually LEARNING anything.  Colleges are a business and there is an expectation that no matter who you are, no matter what your abilities, you will get the credential at the end of the class.  What does that mean for America?

It means that we release a bunch of people into the workforce that are NOT educated.  They CANNOT do the job.  They usually are also so apathetic, that they don't WANT to do the job.

And what does that mean?

It means that, educational institutions, by their policy of grade inflation, are going to be the death of the American workplace because there is no place that people can go to get an actual education.  I mean, let's face it.  If you're an instructor (and I have been one) and you're made to pass everyone, you really give up.  You stop teaching and you stop caring and you keep your job...and become the shame of America.

What we should be doing is this:  college and university should be elitist institutions.  They should be reserved for people who actually care and actually WANT to be educated.  America should start realizing that the Bell Curve is a naturally occurring phenomenon when conducing a true test of skills.  We should celebrate the fact that some people are smart, but not everyone and we should be making exceptions for the smart, and not the stupid and retarded.  It's kind of the arrow fable, isn't it?  You're going to accomplish hitting the target you're looking at, America, so if you're looking at the dumb people, guess what?

Great job.

Not everyone can BE an astronaut...

..and as a society, we shouldn't WANT them to be, either.

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