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Wednesday, May 14, 2014


If you have kids, you may know this:  it's for children to learn to type on a keyboard (well, hunt-and-peck) than it is to learn to write.

Are trees applauding now?  No more kindergarten-lined paper with huge wood chunks in it?  No more tree-sized pencils?

Well, I don't think that's coming any time soon.  But I do know that students are no longer graded on penmanship because there is no real need for that anymore.  Same with cursive.  Can you imagine?  No more cursive letters!?!  Guess there's going too be a huge generation gap that can't read historical documents.  Perhaps cursive will be a history subject.

But you have to wonder:  with the dawning of our digital age, are we in for some more dramatic changes than the loss of sloping letters?

I was thinking about this when I was helping my daughter type out her ABCs.

Will we still have "ABCs"!?  Maybe we'll learn "QWERTY"s instead!  Do we still need to use the order from the ancient Greeks?

"Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U,
I, O, P, A, S, D, F..."

You have to wonder:  is it really that far off??

Talk about a generation gap!

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