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Thursday, January 23, 2014

How To Become Years Younger Overnight (or Why to Save Paper)

Here's the secret to youth that men and women everywhere have been looking for since before the days of Ponce de Leon:

How do I become younger?

Notice that I didn't say look younger.

I mean BECOME younger.

Here's how you do it:

You have some moron enter your birthday incorrect in one database.  That database is then replicated and shared with everyone.

Ta da!

If anyone checks, you're suddenly younger than you were before.

If you try to correct the problem you're out of luck unless you have your original paperwork that you have to actually send to them, which they will say is a fake, and then you're still younger than you were.

I guess I shouldn't complain too much at this point in my life; it means that everyone thinks I'm younger than I am and as long as I'm at least 21, then I guess I shouldn't worry...

...until I want to retire!

WAIT!  IT'S A CONSPIRACY!  THIS IS HOW THEY'RE GOING TO GET MY GENERATION TO WORK PAST RETIREMENT!  Unlike my parents generation, where they just keep moving the retirement age up, they're just going to keep telling us all that we're younger than we actually are!

Serves you all right for not wanting to turn 30/40/50..

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