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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Unwritten Contracts

I once took a webinar for BAs about approval vs. consent.  The intent was to draw attention to the fact that approval is what you get in a signature.  It's often followed by comments like, "well, I'll sign this, but...."

At that point, you have approval without consent, and trying to enforce whatever you have just gotten signed...well, you might as well use the paper for wiping your ass because unless you're going to court over the signature, it's not going to get you anything.  The presenter was trying to make a point that an oral agreement with consent is stronger than a written document with a signature.

Well, right now I have two situations where companies are making some pie crust promises to me.  In other words, "just take my word for it".

In both cases, it's a LARGE sum of money- in the thousands.  They want me to pay for a product that they promise to deliver in the future without so much as a receipt.

Now, I ask you, do you think I really care whether or not I have their oral consent?

Would YOU?

I want the agreement IN WRITING.  I don't care if they grudgingly sign the agreement.



1 comment:

  1. I got Jesus spammed!

    I would have deleted it but I know that it would have returned in three days.

    In response, I'd like to respond with the "God helps those that help themselves" verse, but it's not actually Biblical- it's a Greek summation of Aesop's fables.

    Go figure.

    And while I acknowledge that we never left Eden, unfortunately, Eden is not what it used to be. It is also unfortunate that we have to go to the lengths of having contracts, but since the whole brother-on-brother thing, you never know when you're going to be faced with a back-stabber when you think they're here to help.
