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Monday, December 16, 2013

End of An Era

It's the end of an era.

It used to be that having a credit card meant that you had someone watching your back- a big corporation that would do battle with the merchant corporations on your behalf when their products didn't live up to their promises.

Guess that era is over.

When I called to dispute the $75 Amazon Prime charge that Amazon illegally assessed me, there was a 1/2 hour conversation with Visa Disputes about how it was my fault and that it was up to me to clear it up with Amazon.

Luckily, Amazon reversed the charges.

Now, however, I'm fighting a carpet company who splintered the trim and doors of my house during the improper installation of defective carpet.  And Visa?  They say that if the company is willing to talk to me, that I have to pay the cost of the carpet.


You do realize that the only reason the carpet company is talking to me is that I have not paid the money, right!?  As soon as I pay them, their willingness to talk to me will be about as interested as the Amish will be about talking to the electric company.

And despite escalating up the chain of command in the disputes department, the attitude is quite clear:  the disputes department is there to convince you that the merchants are correct.  In fact, I had to ask/remind the service reps and managers that I was the customer, right???  And this is, Customer Service, right?  Points which they just responded to by saying that all credit card companies are like this and I won't get any better service with any other company.

I guess I'll have to take them up on their challenge because Visa- well, like Sprint, you have gone downhill and I'm not wanting to pay you any more.

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