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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What Country Is This?

I read an article recently about government officials in an unnamed country that want to arm students in case of attack.  The reasoning is that they need to be able to fight back.

This was juxtaposed an article about refuges from the Taliban coming to America- the headline mentioning how the family was glad to be "safe at last".

I find this to be a rather blatant example of propaganda, since the country in the first news item wasn't Syria or Israel or Iraq or any country that the US has recently invaded to prevent students from killing each other.  The country in the first story WAS the US- Madison, Wisconsin public schools, as a matter of fact.

Now, I ask you, what are you smoking to think that arming students is a GOOD IDEA!?!  Are you really trying to replicate Kuwaiti conditions?  Because it sounds like you're at the first step of making a bad decision to teach students it's better to blow away anyone than to resolve conflicts like humans.
When I told a friend about this, my friend said, "Yeah, but it's just that school district".

I blinked.

No, it's not just that school district.  That school district is the one that made it into the newspaper but ALL schools have the same problems.

ALL schools.

The only difference between the "good" or "safe" schools is that they deny that their students do drugs and have gangs and carry guns to school, while the "bad" schools KNOW that their students do drugs and have gangs and carry guns to school AND they do something to help keep everyone safe.

I find it ironic that you're less likely to get shot in a "bad" school because of the protections put in place than in a good school.

And if you think I'm wrong, then check history.  Where have all the major school shootings taken place?  "Good" suburban schools or "bad" inner city schools?

Thank you, Mr. Representative, for making the decision to home school my daughter absolute.

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