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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Project Overload

People are not machines.

They do not change gears by typing in a command and start computing another solution on a dime.

This is another fallacy of poor project management:  if you have 40 hours a week, you could handle at least 40 projects.

This seems to be a VERY common shortcoming of poor project management.

Let me be one of the first to proclaim loudly:


Sorry, but it's a failing of biology and psychology.  We have other problems our brains worry about on a daily and hourly basis- we just cannot be successful with that many projects in a 40 hour work week.  It takes longer than an instant to regain our though processes and continue analysis.  Because, news flash, analysis IS NOT a logical process.  It's a CREATIVE process, which means that you can't time box it very well.  You can put deadlines on it, and when you do you're going to get crappy, shoot-from-the-hip analysis.

In other words, incomplete thinking.

So, what is the solution?

Well, apparently, the solution that employers have come up with is that you're expected to work a 60-70 hour work week.  And if you don't, you get fired for insubordination....which means that you will end up going to another company that treats people the same way and the cycle continues.

What we need is this:  white-collar/computer slaves need to band together and get some real unions going.

THIS is the only way that we will overcome this white-collar slavery because companies aren't going to change unless they CAN'T get what they want.

And the only want to overcome companies is by ganging up against them.

Until we do, be prepared to continue to work through every evening, weekend, vacation, and holiday.  Because in America, they just don't exist any more.

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