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Saturday, August 10, 2013

More on Common Sense

So, I was recently in to take a certified test- you know, one where you'll get a certificate for completing the class?  One that looks good on your resume, but is really just handing over money to get "book" and have them ask you questions on it....

Anyway, I was in queue and waiting to get in.  You had to put all of your own purses or backpacks out of reach...which meant in the back of the room in cubbies.

When you get to the desk, there are a couple of pens for taking the test.

When I get the test, I read on the instructions that the test needs to be completed in blue or black ink.

ok, fine.

So, I grab one of the pens provided (thinking of how I'm going to need to REALLY wash my hands later), and I start to write my answer when...

Red ink is on the page.

The pen is in RED INK.

I grabbed the second one.  It appeared to be black- it was in a black casing.

Alas, it TOO was red.

When I raised my hand to ask for a new pen, I ended up having to explain - TWICE- what the problem was before I was allowed to get a new pen.

Now, this was bad enough, but I wasn't the first tester in that seat that day.  

I wasn't even the second.

It makes you wonder if the other testers just failed because they used red ink...

I'd kind of hope so.

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