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Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Matter Of Time

So, what is it with "reminders" nowadays?

I mean, when you make an appointment with a company or a doctor or something, I understand how a friendly reminder is a nice thing to do.

I even understand that a company or doctor would want to remind you of your appointment BEFORE their "No Cancellations" time.  I mean, if you forgot and you need to cancel, you should be able to cancel when they remind you, right?

But what I don't understand is this:

The doctor's office has an automated message than can't even pronounce my family's name right  and they leave this message on my phone 2+ days before my appointment.  You can't even UNDERSTAND what the automated voice is saying!


My salon is now calling AND emailing me with reminders 3 days before an appointment.


Some weeks, it's 4 days!

I haven't ever missed an appointment, so, WTF?

Seriously, folks. Three Days!?  How is that going to help me remember my appointment on the day??

Well, they were just topped.

I JUST got a "reminder" notice from my dentist about my appointment coming up.....

NEXT WEEK!  It's seriously over a week away!

And to all of these stupid reminders, I have this to say:

Look, I'm sorry, folks, but you WILL have some forgetful or just blatantly jerk patients/customers who are not going to show up for their appointments on time , if at all, NO MATTER WHEN YOU REMIND THEM.

Please stop pestering the rest of us with useless spam about appointments in the next century.

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