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Monday, July 29, 2013

Further Reasons to NOT Shop at Amazon

So, I think I've been quite vocal about returning items from online sales sites where the item just isn't up to snuff.

Let's face it, a lot of things aren't up to snuff anymore.

Well, Amazon has recently started a new policy to dun the complainers.

In other words, instead of fixing their products and services, they're blaming the consumers who are notifying them of their crappy fulfillment and delivery processes.

The letter looks something like this:


We're writing to apologize for the number of issues you've experienced with your shipments. Your correspondences with us indicate you've required refunds/replacements on a majority of orders for a number of reasons.

Through the normal course of business, the occasional problem is inevitable. However, you seem to have had an unusually high rate of problems in your account history.

When unusual account activity such as this comes to our attention, we'll evaluate each account on a case-by-case basis to determine if additional action is necessary, including closing the account. We’d prefer to work with you to avoid that inconvenience, as we do value your business.

If you have any questions in the future regarding your account, please write to us directly at

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

Best regards,

Account Specialist.

But when you write back to tell them that they are wrong and that it's the delivery process with just UPS, say, they reply that it's still your fault and that they'll be watching you and that every return you want to make at this point will be directed to a specialist for review.

This is when the masses really need to rise up and revolt.  This is the WORST treatment of a loyal customer and I hope that enough people get pissed off with Amazon that they learn their lesson.

Otherwise, make sure you're paying with a major credit card so that you can get them involved when Amazon refuses to allow you to return a box that was smashed or opened by the UPS guy.

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